Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Creating Creative Kids!

Every Child is an artist. The Problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

Pablo Picasso

While creating my paintings for children, I always make sure to keep a very important thing in mind…..MAGIC!

The magic of childhood.

How colours seem much brighter, sparkles are fairy-dust and imagination makes the things we see really come to life!

Childhood is one great adventure, with each day more exciting than the next, every moment of a child’s life is a new chance to explore – no wonder some of them never want to go to bed!

So where does that little kid go? All of a sudden we are all grown up, responsible and, in many ways, especially when it comes to creativity, afraid. Afraid of judgement, afraid of criticism, afraid of getting in touch with the little artist within the adult.

When and how does this happen?

Well, life just happens.

Various events occur, making us retreat within, placing shields around ourselves (but that’s a whole other blog so watch this space!).

Unfortunately, our lives and education system are designed to make art and creativity a subject of lesser importance. Often, Art-time is limited to only one hour during a school week and, if a more logical subject gets in the way, sometimes Art-time is removed altogether from the children.

Children need to be continuously encouraged to be creative and artistic. To nurture individuality and know that not everyone will like our crafts or art, but that’s okay – that’s what makes us all different and life so exciting!

I teach relaxation classes to children and have Arts & Crafts time at the end. The children are so excited to find out what stickers, colours, sticky shapes & surprises I take out of my bag! This is a wonderful time for imaginative conversation, allowing them spend time with their own thoughts. It is as if they breathe a sigh of relief when the logical sides of their brain rest, their creative brain takes over, something that is so desperately needed in their little lives these days.

So how do we keep our kids creative? How do we keep ourselves creative?


Make creating the most important part of your day. Make it the time you look forward to spending with yourself and your children. If you don’t have any children – why not borrow someone else’s for a while?

Art & creativity does not have to be costly, time-consuming or messy. Simple materials can be used such as Crayons, coloured pencils, markers, stickers and play-dough (I can provide a recipe for this to anyone if they would like it - please convo me). Your child might enjoy knitting or needlework (with a blunt needle of course!). Picking flowers from the garden to decorate the table. Making cards for people they love. Even cooking and baking with your child is a creative activity.

Create an “Art Gallery” for your little artist! Children are so proud when their parents hang their artwork for all to see.

This in turn improves their confidence & self-esteem. Hang paintings on the fridge or tie a piece of string from one wall to another and hang their art on it with pegs. Creativity is always evolving as your child grows, so keep the art display ever-changing too.

When I display my children’s paintings at Craft Fairs, I love to ask the children which of the paintings they like the best and why. One day, I asked a little girl that question. She stood back, a pensive look on her face as she took in the various paintings, then said,

“Well, I like them all. But I think I like the Butterfly best ‘coz I know if I had her on my bedroom wall, I’d chat with her every day. She looks like she’d be really nice to talk to.”

It’s all about the Magic, people.

Never forget the Magic………

To meet the talking Butterfly & some of her other magical friends, visit my shop: