Monday, February 7, 2011

Eco Glue Recipe

As a child, we used wallpaper paste for papier mache. But Eco-glue is economical and won't harm the environment as some of those pastes or glues can. Wall paper paste can be made with toxic ingredients. Not only does it smell terrible while you are applying it, chances are it will emit harmful VOCs (volatile organic compound) for years to come.

Not very nice to mix up for our crafts!'s the recipe for Eco-Glue

1 cup Flour
3 cups Water

What to do....
Put the Flour into a medium sized saucepan. add one cup of water and stir into a paste with no lumps. Add the 2 more cups of water and turn up the heat. Stir and stir and stir - never stop stirring or you'll get a lot of lumps! Bring the mixture to the boil (when it's bubbling and thick). Remove from heat. Allow to cool.
The glue does not keep well, so only make as much as you know you're going to use - since it's so easy and cheap to make
I doubled this recipe for 6 kids papier mache projects and it was plenty for us. This glue can be used for other crafts too as it's plenty sticky!

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